Usage-Based Pricing Model

The best pricing model to fit your needs


The usage-based deduction ensures fair pricing, where users only pay for what they consume.


You have control over how much you invest initially and how you use the service. Starting from as low as 1€ allows for easy access.

Automatic Charging Option

Perfect to build your apps: you have the convenience of setting balance thresholds and enabling automatic charging, ensuring continuous service without interruptions.

How it works


Add money to your account balance here, starting with as low as 1€.


Use our models: your remaining balance will be deducted based on your usage. The estimated price is indicated on each model.


(optional): if you activated automatic charging, set a balance threshold, whenever you go above that threshold, your account will.


If your balance reach 0€ you will be asked to refill your balance to continue to use our service.


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