Creating Hergé-style images from a description

Producing visuals inspired by the distinctive art style of Hergé based on provided details

Use case example

  • - Artistic renderings reminiscent of Hergé's iconic style in comics like Tintin
  • - Creating images with a similar clean-line, clear-color aesthetic as Hergé's artwork


Dreambooth trained used with Stable diffusion

Added by: APIForAI

Price per call≈ 0.06

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"prompt":"man walking in a forrest, herg..."



API Information

Input description

prompt string

Input prompt. Needs 'herge_style' in it.

Default value: man walking with a herge_style

width integer

An enumeration.

Default value: 512

Enum values: 128, 256, 512, 768, 1024

height integer

An enumeration.

Default value: 512

Enum values: 128, 256, 512, 768, 1024

num_outputs integer

An enumeration.

Default value: 1

Enum values: 1, 4

num_inference_steps integer

Number of denoising steps

Default value: 50

guidance_scale number

Scale for classifier-free guidance

Default value: 7.5

seed integer

Random seed. Leave blank to randomize the seed

Output JSON Schema

This represents the JSON schema that details the structure of the model's output.



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